Our 360° cap is open all around, so you can sip from every angle. Simply click to open, quench your thirst and click again to close. The cap is 100% leak-proof and can be stowed in your bag or backpack with peace of mind.
Dometic poklopac za termosicu 360
Our 360° cap is open all around, so you can sip from every angle. Simply click to open, quench your thirst and click again to close. The cap is 100% leak-proof and can be stowed in your bag or backpack with peace of mind. Included in the delivery kit of the Dometic THRM 50 thermo bottle, it also fits the Dometic THRM 90 / THRM 120 / THRM 192 models.
- Napravljen od nehrđajućeg čelika za višegodišnju upotrebu.
- Jednostavan za čišćenje i higijenski konstruiran
- Dobro termički izoliran, drži piće na savršenoj temperaturi
- Pristaje Dometic THRM 50 / THRM 90 / THRM 120 / THRM 192 termosicama
- Dolazi uz Dometic THRM 50 termosicu